Historical Places and Museums


Our island has a rich heritage which is full of peerless architecture. Soli and Vuni, Arap Ahmet Mosque, Salamis Ruins, Aphostolos Andreas Manastry, etc… You may encounter with the marks of the civilization of 9000 years all around the island.

According to the historians, the first people in the island are from Europe and Asia. At 8th BC, the island was a part of Asur Empire, and then it changed hand to Babylons, Eqyptians and Persians. At 58 BC, the management of the island was at Romans. In 1191, Richard lived in the island, afterwards, Templar bought the island and finally, Lusignans got the control of the island in their hand. The island was under the control of Lusignan Empire until the Venedics got it on 1489. Within the years of 1571-1888, Ottoman Empire controlled the island and then, they rented it to British Colony. On 1960s, the island declared its freedom.

However, there were some major problems between two different societies, hence, on 1974 there was a war between them, and the island divided into two parts. Finally, on 1983 TRNC was established.

Historical Places and Museums of North Cyprus

• The Great Inn
• Mevlevi Lodge Museum
• Selimiye Mosque
• Derviş Paşa Street
• Kyrenia Door
• Arasta Street
• Venedic Columns

• Kyrenia Castle
• St. Hillarion Castle
• Bellapais Manastry
• Buffavento Castle
• Icon Museum

• Salamis Ruins
• Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque
• Othello Castle
• St. Barnabas Manastry
• Namık Kemal Dungeon
• Kertikli Hammam
• Kings’ Graves
• Venedik Palace

• Apostholos Andreas Manastry
• Kantara Castle
• Ayias Trias Basilics
• Kanakaria Church
• Philon Church
• İskele Icon Museum
• Kings’ Graves

• Vuni Castle
• Güzelyurt Museum
• Soli Ruins
• St. Mamas Manastry


Kıbrıs Ercan Havaalanı Araç Kiralama

Kıbrıs Tüp Bebek Merkezi

Kıbrıs Bicare Sigorta